Sortable Editable Tree Javascript by
Sortable Editable Tree Javascript

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Sortable Editable Tree Javascript Expandable Menus Tree

Features Sortable Editable Tree Javascript

Cost Effective
Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
Gratis Tree Menu Sortable Editable Tree Javascript
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • Good menu is an essential part of website commercial success. If people can't find their way around the site, they will fast give up seeking and retire, never to return. So, it's extreme serious that your website has a accurate, precise, prompt, and navigation of immaculate appearance.
    Don't let your web site guests to get lost. Try Javascript/DHTML Tree!

Recent Questions Sortable Editable Tree Javascript

Q: The menu has a problem with newlines. The menu builds correctly (layout ok) but when pressed on the button nothing happens

At some point, in the DHTML menu, we have the following in the javascript:

  var menuitems = [

 ["|Print HTML","javascript:alert('HTML print: Only the 7 most recent orders on the screen \n will be printed because of space limitations on paper.');printResult('4'); ","","", ,"_parent",,] ]

As you can see we have a newline (\n) between the words "screen" and "will". But when we click on the button nothing happens. If we remove the newline and we click on the button then we first get the alert box. After pressing the OK button the function printResult is called.

Is there any way for us to still use the newline character in the menuItems variable?

This can be easily reproducible. That's why I haven't made an example.

A: Try to write in the following way \\n:

 ["|Print HTML","javascript:alert('HTML print: Only the 7 most recent orders on the screen \\n will be printed because of space limitations on paper.');printResult('4'); ","","", ,"_parent",,]

Q: I purchased the full package for the application. Great job!
I have no questions about generating and/or customizing DHTML menues - it's pretty straight forwards.
I am trying to find out how to generate and customize POPUP WINDOWS.

A: To assign popup windows for links on your page do the following:
1) Open your page (for example index.html page) in any text editor.
Add link in the place where you want to have it and specify the ID (for example: win1) for it, for example:

<a href="javascript:;" id="win1">Click Here to see a window</a>

Change parameters of windows in data files, for example popup-window-XP.js.
Open it in any text editor.

2) Add your content.
You can use HTML content, Iframe (url) or any object on your page as popup windows content - Object ID.

For example select HTML content (winContent parameter in the 'Common' section), for example:

<div style="text-align:center;"><b>Sample content</b></div>

This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.

3) In the 'Actions' section specify the id of your link (win1) for the onClick event.

4) For example: open the popup-window-XP.html file in any text editor.
Copy all code for Popup window and paste it in the beginning of the <body> tag:

<!-- Deluxe Popup Window -->
<noscript><a href="">menu drop down by <script type="text/javascript" src="popup-window-XP.files/dpopupwindow.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup-window-XP.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2009, -->

5) Copy 'popup-window-XP.files/' folder and popup-window-XP.js file into the samefolder with your index.html (root folder of your website).

Q: We want to evaluate Delux Menu(DM). But before doing any testing I want to ask few questions.

-#1 Can DM support context menus on right click with in a DIV and on a button click.

ex: I have a Options button on the web page and also a DIV which is transformed using xml and xsl.

Onclick of the button and right click within the DIV area should popup the same menu.

I have various DIVs and each DIV has its own context menu.

-#2 Any issues like IE memory leaks by using DM. I am asking this we are having some issues with the present menu control we are using. IE hangs up when the web page is idle for more than 20 mins.

A: 1. JavaScript Tree Menus supports such a feature. Please, go to, section "Samples->Functional Samples->Popup Menu"

You can create any number of menus on a page.

2. We don't know about such a problem with JavaScript Tree Menu. Please, try atrial version of DM. It has a full functionality.

Q: I am investigating why a few things have not been working for sometime on our site.

This is the error I get in the console "The requested URL /js/menudir/dtree_ss.js was not found on this server."

I update the files awhile back and removed the dtress_ss.js as I was instructed, why is it that it that the script is still trying to reference this file?

What do I have to do to remove this error from java script tree menu?

When I updated the files a few months back the new files seem to fix a problem we were having with Chrome, but broke the drop down menu in Explorer. I have yet to resolve this. The drop down menu appears to work fine in all other browsers.

The nav menu not working in IE7 (not sure about IE6 or IE8) is a bigger issue than the error in the console, but thought maybe they were related. From our analytics, the strong majority of our customers are using IE7.

A: 1) dtree_ss.js
The current version of Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't have dtree_ss.js at all. You should deletethe following code from your page:
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="/js/menudir/dtree_ss.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

In the body tag you should write:
<td >
<script src="/js/menudir/data-tree.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

In the HEAD tag you should write:

<!-- Javascript/DHTML Tree -->
<noscript><a href="">java script tree menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript">  var tWorkPath="/js/menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/menudir/dtree.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2009, -->

2) Error in IE7.
You're using new engine files and old data files for the menus now.
I'm sending you the example.
Use engine files for JavaScript Tree Menu and Javascript/DHTML Tree and data files (data.js and data-tree.js)from it.